Saturday 14 August 2010

London's Serppentine's summer Pavilion

Last year I visited the Serpentine Gallery and noticed quite a large construction site and was quite keen to know what would replace the Frank Gehry structure. So it was quite a pleasant surprise when i was on the bus reading the Metro newspaper when and came across a very interesting article. What caught my attention was the colour RED. It would appear that the construction site had been the making of a new summer pavilion for the following year designed by Jean Nouvel . The Pavilion is almost entirely decked out in red, red walls, curtains, chairs and tables even the floor. It mainly features as a cafe selling food and drinks quite pricey but expected for the area. It does feel quite surreal walking through the space as you are thrust into a world of red. I was pleasantly surprised to see a small area dedicated to urban agriculture. They had peppers, green chillies and tomatoes; this type of endeavour in the urban space seems to be growing quite nicely. I also noticed that on the far side of the Pavilion they had created a row chess boards. As i was with a friend we sat down to play a few games, however as the sun was very hot that day and the shade in that was not so good so we could’nt play many games. Whilst we were playing an Italian news reporter asked us if she could take pictures so hopefully i can find these pictures online and post them too.

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