Sunday 15 August 2010

Burning Man

Burning Man is an annual art event and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. There are numerous installations laid out for the public to see during this period. Everything about this even is so unique; the fact that it’s the middle of the desert and so many people still want to come and witness it is astounding. The City layout is meant to resemble a clock with the centre of it is a big structure called “The Man”. It seems to be an almost magical place where a city is created and then disappears without a trace; I guess the sand helps in that department. The lonely and baran land is definitely a great blank canvas for the world go go crazy in.

This is a satellite image of the "disappearing city".

Here are a few examples of the Installations created:

The "Cats cradle" is an interactive installation allows the public to play with it as if a instrument with the provided instruments.

The star of the show..."The Burning Man".

This is definitely scary but there seems to be something elegant about the way the outstretched arm seems to rest on the ground.

Don't you think its really cool the way the lighting can completely change the way something can look.

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