Thursday 20 May 2010

Focus week 4: 2nd March - Old Mareket Square, Nottingham

Old Market square is an award winning design and is recognised as due to its accomplishment on many levels. Although at first the square seems large you seem to become accustomed to it as it is so freely to walk through. I think that is one of the great features to have the chance to have an untainted journey from space to space and just enjoy your surroundings. The Square is rich in high quality materials both in the hard landscaping and the soft.

The use of exotic and uncommon trees such as the Ginkgo Bilbao adds the exotic and distinctive touch. However unless you know what the tree is pedestrians would just walk by completely unaware that such a tree is right next to them which is a shame as many people know and use in tablet form. The shrubs placed around the site such as the Chlorophytum comosum (spider plant) continues the exotic planting creating attention towards them.

The beauty of the waterscape is that it is both interactive with pedestrians and is enjoyable to watch. To place seating in between the two water features almost makes you feel a part of it feeling the spars of water and the sound of gushing water.

Granite is a luxury but with so much surrounding you, you become unaware the quality of what you’re standing on. If I was a pedestrian that had no intention of examining the site I would not have noticed the many types of paving used or why it had to be like that. This is partly due to the square having an enormous waterscape that draws you in with sound alone. The second would be the 60m tall Ferris wheel parked right in the centre of the square, this for me is an obstruction to the way the square flows. Although the Nottingham's public have asked for the installation to be permanent I think it would hinder the aesthetically pleasing aspect of the square.

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