Thursday 27 January 2011

What is landscape Architecture? Trenton oldfield - This is Not a Gateway

Trenton Oldfield started a company called “This is Not a Gateway”, which is a not for profit organisation. HE began by telling us how he has worked for organisations that have given him the task to complete projects but fell short do to the lack of integrity of funds given to people. He hated how people would misuse and created his group. The most interesting part of his speech was his investigation into fences and how he has started his PHD in looking into the. At first I was amazed that he has chosen something so simple as a fence to do his doctorate, but his hatred for fences is quite something. The idea of surrounding anything in fence creates a horrible feeling of enclosure and creates public parks to seem private. This looks into how will spoke about how public realms seem less and less public due to guards and fences can definitely be a part of this idea. An interesting fact that Trenton pointed out was that there is no legal requirement for fences, the money public parks and realms can save on not placing fences is enormous yet there they are surrounding almost every green space. He went into detail on how fences are another way of showing hierarchy and dividing communities. I believe that he is right in all aspects except the aspect of creating a sense of security. He showed us a fence around an estate in London which had green grass in between and around it, which he seems quite annoyed about. I would have to object here as these spaces are residential and people want to feel safe as is there right when living in a home. The other is in parks; I agree that fences should not surround the entire park but should be when looking at child playgrounds again looking at that aspect of safety and security.

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