Saturday 4 December 2010

A Pattern Language - Christopher Alexander

I have finally decided on a title for my critical study "The relationship between theory and design; Kingston upon Thames", it goes on about something that I have always had a very keen interest on which is theory in Landscape design. This book is amazing for my title, it really goes into amazing detail on how towns and cities should theoretically work and not work. It looks at neighbouring boundaries, shopping, water, buildings, transport everything I could possibly imagine it has, a great resource in tackling my critical study.
Here is an Abstract from my work:

As I have spent the last few years in Kingston studying I have always thought it was a well likeable place and attracted many people to its walls. It’s one of those rare towns that seem to have it all and people seem to want to live there. In all the years I’ve been there I’ve rarely seem much crime and the town centre itself seems clean and inviting. As I’m studying Landscape Architecture at Kingston University naturally my curiosity as to how the planning and design behind it all has created what seems to be a successful layout. So then if I think it is successful then perhaps I can use that knowledge of how it has been achieved and apply it to planning and design for my own work. Then I began to think about how since my first year at university I was introduced to the idea of how theory can shape design. I believe that paying attention to theoretical ideas can enhance our own ideas of what design and planning should be like. So by doing a comparison I can begin to comprehend if that statement is correct or wrong.

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