Saturday 19 February 2011

Skogskyrkogarden - Sweden

We were very fortunate to be able to visit this world Heritage site all the way in Stockholm. I see cemeteries every now and then usually when I’m on the bus to university I pass one. Never has it ever occurred to my mind to visit one without visiting a loved one that has passed. So the idea to visit Skogskyrkogarden in Sweden was a bit irregular for me however our course director assured us that this is worth the wait. Now bearing in mind there had been a heavy snow storm in Sweden the week before so practically everything was covered in a very thick layer of snow. I was surprised at just how easy they cope with it as appose to this country then again they get copious amounts of it. Skogskyrkogarden was originally a large forest that has been converted into a cemetery and that’s what makes it special. It’s the fact the incredible landscape has hardly been tampered with rather respected and in return a sense of respect for what has been accomplished must be observed.

Walking around this place you can’t help but feel tiny, the very size and purpose makes you feel just how small life is and that it will have an end. Yet everything is so beautiful and peaceful, like a walk in the park. Snow of course has a dramatic affect on the landscape; its white colour creates a seamless affect on any landscape making everything the same. However I would have preferred to see Skogskyrkogarden without the snow as I wanted to see what it really was without the facade of snow.