Sunday 3 October 2010

Personal development Plan

The best way to identify and develop a personal development plan is to identify my weaknesses/concerns and things I can do in order to improve on them.

• My first would be my concern about my critical study which we were told to look at over summer but I had failed to come up with a topic

• I want to improve my skills in Mainly AutoCAD and Photoshop and become accustomed to using Illustrator and InDesign.

• I want to visit more exhibitions and be more active in regards to this

• I need to start reading more books to help me better understand Landscape Architecture and guide me into finding a topic for my critical study

• I need to identify what I enjoy doing and find myself

As for the critical study I believe I need to talk with Michael Herrmann for assistance as well and start reading books that could guide me.

For learning software I need to look at tutorials online and books, asking my fellow students for help is always a good way to learn as well as asking lecturers.

In order for me to be more active I need to just go out there and see different and new places which will not only broaden my knowledge by help me to find myself.