Saturday 6 December 2008

In Sloan Square I saw this bench, the elongated shape seemed to fit perfectly in the square.
A very interesting pole :P, seemed to look like its reached into the sky.
We took the route down Little Venice, i found that curved shapes were used very frequently especially in the staircase design.

Thursday 6 November 2008

I found this unusual chair and table in a square near Sloan Square Station, because it was so different from its surroundings it really caught my my attention.

I'v Visited the V&A quite a few times but even when we went again i really enjoyed it. for the first time i was looking not just at the sculptures but i was focusing more on the individual designs and shapes especially in the Islamic art. I was constantly thinking how i could use these shapes in cretaing desighns for my own work.

Monday 20 October 2008

It was an amazing privilage to be able to walk through the gardens desighned by Getrude Jekyyl, as she was he one of the main figures in the Arts and Crafts movement.


The trip to Guildford was the first time any of us really had a chance to get to know each other, i reckon that it was the trip that gave us our first real understanding as to what we were to expect in the future. this is largely due to the fact that we had all the higher years there with us who gave us very valuable knowledge.

Monday 29 September 2008

When i first saw this GIANT purple circle shaped Glass block it looked like a massive piece of jewelery. The sudden change is a structural formation amongst the tall building and the hustle and bustle of city life was almost relieving.

Thursday 25 September 2008

These pictures were taken from the Thames Barrier Park, we spent the day exploring the area and the landscape projects around tower bridge.

This is the first time we all went out as a group, we went to the Thames barrier park, at this point none of us really knew each other so we really used this as a way of getting to know each other.